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Developments in the electronic components industry

With the rapid development of the world's electronic information industry, as the electronic components industry, the development of electronic information industry base is also extremely fast. In 2005, the world's electronic components market demand of about 300 billion US dollars, accounting for 15% of the world electronics market, the average annual growth rate of 10%, while the fastest growth in demand for new electronic components, about 1,500 billion to $ 180 billion.
Electronic components are entering the era of a new generation of components with new electronic components for the body, it will essentially replace the traditional components, electronic components from the original only in order to adapt the requirements of miniaturization and new technology-based machine modifications, variations to digital technology in order to meet the characteristics of the proposed development of microelectronics technology requirements-based, and is the industrial development stage sets to meet.
Chinese electronics industry continued to grow rapidly, driven by the strong development of the electronic components industry. China has become the speaker, electrolytic capacitors, tubes, printed circuit boards, semiconductor discrete devices and other electronic components production base in the world.
January to December 2006, China's electronic components manufacturing industry realized a total industrial output value of 573,108,825 yuan, an increase of 31.56% over the same period in 2005; to achieve total sales revenue 558,802,858 yuan, an increase of 31.97% over the same period in 2005; to achieve total total profit 28,630,453 yuan, an increase of 31.37% over same period in 2005.
January to December 2007, China's electronic components manufacturing industry realized a total industrial output value of 740,003,762 yuan, an increase of 27.09% over the same period in 2006; in 2008 from January to October, China's electronic components manufacturing industry realized a total industrial output value of 731,940,688 thousand Yuan over the same period in 2007, an increase of 22.44%.
2008 big turmoil in global financial markets, due to the consumer market accounted for more than 70% of the components of the market, expected by the end of the holiday consumer market will be very weak, and ultimately lead to decreased demand for electronic components. Nevertheless, the components market is still a ray of hope: suppliers are very strict inventory management, so stock will continue to decline. In most cases, the supplier's financial risk is very limited due to their balance sheet shows good, these suppliers will have through this financial turmoil, the market outlook is still electrical components bright.